Tuesday, December 23, 2014

RMK Gothic SIM close Announcement

The curtain will lower for RMK Gothic SIM on December 28th, 2014. The sim owners wish to spend more time away from SecondLife.

Thank you to loyal customers, and all those who share with us the fond memories of RMK Gothic.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Vampire Ballet: Black Souls, Red Cello

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: In life, Kuro twins were child prodigies thrilling audiences with their skillful playing. But those happy times ended when a deranged fan tried to "steal" their talent one limb at a time. Their savior was a well-meaning vampire who fused their broken bodies to dolls. When the twins awoke, the shock was too much for them. Gone was their spirit. The sat mute, traumatized, as lifeless as the dolls they inhabited. But their savior never gave up. Their souls were music, and music would save them the way he never could. The years passed, then one day he heard a clumsy bow strike the strings of the cello. He was so happy. It was the break through he was hoping for. Slowly with much effort, the twins returned to the world. For their official coming out, they performed at the auditions for the Vampire Ballet. By the time they played their last note, there was not a dry eye, even among the stone cold hearts of the vampire. They got the standing ovation. This year, Kuro Twins would be the featured guests of the Vampire Ballet.

The excellent gothic lolita dress, Black Rose Witch by MelonBunny, I wanted to show you guys so much for RMK Halloween but time ran out on me. The good news is, you can pick it up now at the main store. For the doll, I am wearing the Kemono version but you can also get it in the default avatar size. It comes with dress, bow with skull collar, apron, petticoat, and bat wings.

On her, Belladonna Kuro (left):
Wings, dress, bow, apron, petticoat: Melonbunny Black Rose Witch Dress, Kemono [mesh](RMK Halloween)(550L)

On her, Rose Kuro (right):
Guest appearance: Aarya Phantomhive of the Dark Phantom blog
Part one of the storyline: http://aaryaphantomhive.blogspot.com/2014/11/dark-souls-red-cello.html

DollCoco Designs

Saturday, November 1, 2014

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy 4

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Alarmed, the pet bats of the Witch of Fields, and her ghost familiar warned her a hex was coming! She quickly threw up a shield just in time to bounce the curse off her and return it to it's sender. She found Razorback sometime later in the potions rooms as an ugly toad. Serves him right for being so nasty. He would be trapped in that form until after Halloween and Merlin returned to the Academy to fix him.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GANG!  Have a great time! Also don't forget today is the last day on RMK Halloween. Here's one last look at awesome goodies you can win or purchase at these events. The Witch of the Fields is wearing the Dream Gacha prize dress Sally by RokumeikaN. Her arm warmers by Senzafine are available in the RMK Halloween market on main street, as well as the Neverwish Wicked boots which come in many colors. While you stroll down main street, check out the fun gacha by Cila that has this cute Bats rare prize. Over at Cubic Cherry Creations are these adorable ghosts. The ghost's hat is the Candy Corn Dream Gacha prize and at the main street booth you can place the gacha there for more styles. Her green nail polish is the Dream Gacha prize from Goth1c0. And her lovely staff by HPMD animates a conjuring pose while you talk in local chat.

Today I have the next hint for the RMK Halloween End Game!
hint #2 :  Chan is looking for something.

On her, The Witch of the Fields:
Dress: RokumeikaN +RMK*Halloween2014DreamGacha*+Sally_dress [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Armwarmers: Senzafine "Willow" Armwarmers [mesh](RMK Halloween)(195L)
Staff: HPMD  Wooden Staff - Halloween (typing anim)[mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Nails: Goth1c0 Green (dream gacha prize) (RMK Halloween)(free)
Boots: Neverwish Wicked Boot - Dagger -Black/Plum (edit tint) [mesh](RMK Halloween)(150L)

Hat: BluPrintz Witch Hat - Candy Corn [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Ghost: Cubic Cherry Kre-ations Lil ghost~ Myr [mesh](RMK Halloween)(65L)
Bats: Cila Cute bat 01 02 04-RARE, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

RMK Halloween UPDATE on END GAME:  Those close to level 9, keep working at it! There will be 1 day grace period. Hints are given on the Japanese blog. "Ray is standing" is hint #1.

For more information go to:
(NOTE: text is in Japanese)

RMK Gothic wishes everyone have a Happy Halloween! ❤

Thursday, October 30, 2014

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy 3

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Not all denizens of the Ghost Academy were friendly. In fact, one of them was positively icy. It was not without irony that just when Royal Magician Razorback warmed up to the beguiling Witch of the Fields, she spurned his affections. He conjured particularly nasty curse on her using rare herbs harvested from her own fields. It's no exaggeration to say, Hell hath no fury like a warlock scorned.

Halloween is almost here, it's best time of the year with so many awesome new releases! I have some cool things to show you. First, I love Cyber Scythe by A & Y. It's fantastic and comes with a texture change hud to change it's many parts and it also takes custom tints. You can also find it at the RMK Halloween market on main street as well as the book, raven, and pose are by Uncertain Smile and the Spells and Hexes supply Kit by Souzou Eien.

On Him:
Staff: A&Y Cyber Bunker Shark Cyber Scythe - multicolor (RMK Halloween)(420L)
Pose, Raven, Book: Uncertain Smile Sorcerer 3 (RMK Halloween)(200L)

Tool Kit: Souzou Eien Spells & Hexes Supply Kit (RMK Halloween)(125L)


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Addams Family - The Perfect Family 1

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: The Addams Family was a popular topic of rumor and speculation at Wednesday's school. The normally soft murmurs turned into a roar when for show and tell, Wednesday brought a macabre painting she claimed she painted herself. The details were so gruesome, her art teacher asked how she achieved such realism. Wednesday replied simply she had a live "dead" model.

Every now and then something spontaneous and wonderful happens. That's what happened here after a conversation between Draconias and Aarya about how the Addams Family is the "Perfect Family." This fun image grew from that. Thanks to Aarya, Draconias, and Lexxii for letting me blog this!

Noctis is kicking butt this October. You need some authentic looking spookiness for your Halloween? Run over to RMK Gothic and check out the Halloween Market Noctis booth on main street in front of the castle. I love this Abandoned Piano! It comes with a stool, piano, lots of candles and sheet music too! Just touch the sheet music twice to start playing Clair De Lune by Debussy. Love it! You can buy additional sheet music too, a creepy horror version of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. 

Piano: Noctis Abandoned Piano [mesh](RMK Halloween)(355L)
Music: Noctis Piano Music: Moonlight Sonata [mesh](RMK Halloween)(155L)

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Muffy Hightower was on a mission: infiltrate the Addams mansion, find out if Wednesday really does have a mummified body for her still life painting, report her findings to her friends, and collect the reward money. Simple, right? First, Muffy started by emulating Wednesday's style. She laughed secretly inside when the gloomy girl was so overjoyed that a popular cheerleader suddenly took an interest in her that an invite to a slumber party at Freak Central soon to followed. It was all too easy, Muffy thought.  What could possibly go wrong?

Muffy is wearing a fantastic Wednesday dress by Goth1c0 you can pick up at RMK Halloween. Her Eyeball necklace is by DownDownDown. You can change the textures by touching it and switch the colors on ribbon, metal, and 3 sets of eyes. Her pet Moth by Silentsparrow is a Dream Gacha prize. It comes in holdable, follow, and rez versions. The Ethelton Casket from Noctis is another beautifully textured goodie for gothic home decor. It includes a pose to laying down inside, and the lid opens and closes. There is a hud to change it's textures too. To the left of the image is the Magus supplies and Professor's desk, and on the rug is the Magus podium is the gift from RMK Halloween Dream Gacha. On the wall above the desk, is the Papermoon Green Witch Shelf from the Halloween Market at RMK, and on the rug is the matching Green Witch Bundle prize from the RMK Dream Gacha. Next to the bundle is the Crystal Altar by Souzou Eien. It's also a prize from the RMK Dream Gacha. Close by is the Jar of Dirt from the MelonBunny booth at RMK Halloween Market. It's one of the commons from the gacha. The Rares are backpacks and when someone bumps you, your jar spills it's contents all over.  There is a hearts rare backpack and bones. (Go figure I won the hearts rares instead of the bones. lol)  Speaking of backpack, next to Muffy on the ground is the Traveling Witch Pack by Contraption on sale at the RMK Halloween market. Poking out from behind the piano, is the Purple Skeleton Flamingo lawn ornament by Free Bird. It's a gacha in the RMK Halloween Market.

Muffy Hightower:
Pet: silentsparrow Moth - (Dusk) - Flying [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Necklace: DownDownDown DDD_Eyeball necklace [mesh](RMK Halloween)(213L)
Dress, socks: Goth1c0 Misery Loves Wednesday [mesh](RMK Halloween)(125L)

Casket: Noctis Ethelton Casket and HUD [mesh](RMK Halloween)(155L)
Desk: Noctis Magus Professor's desk set V2 [mesh](RMK Halloween)(155L)
Podium: Noctis Magus supplies on plynth [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Backpack: Contraption Traveling Witch Pack [mesh](RMK Halloween)(200L)
Shelf: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Shelf [mesh](RMK Halloween)(250L)
Witch supplies: Papermoon *pm* Green Witch Bundle [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Witch supplies:  Souzou Eien Crystal Altar [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Witch supplies: MelonBunny {MB} Jar of Dirt, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)
Lawn Ornament: Free Bird purple skeleton flamingo, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)
Thanks for your help, Aarya, Draconias, and Lexxii!

Friday, October 17, 2014

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy 2

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: To Morrigan Wylde it was amazing to watch a tiny sunflower seed sprout and grow into a mighty plant. But the Magical Academy Herb class seedlings were something else, they were enchanted! They grew much faster and had magical properties. She loved to collect and trade the exotic seeds with her fellow classmates.

Lots of goodies here from RMK Halloween to show you. Above Kariritaisho is wearing the adorable Witch Hat by Pantsu*Hunter. Touch it, can and you can turn the lights on or off. Matching the hat, is the Lil Witch staff by Cubic Cherry Kreations. It comes in 2 styles. Resting on top of the hat is the Vouboo Zitga by Schadnfreude. Collectors of this cute series might remember it from a past Arcade round. Don't miss this new addition! Wrapped around our charming witch are the Together Flasks by DownDownDown. The Harriet Gav dress is by Hapi Rabi. From the RMK Halloween Market located on main street, are two free gifts: the Bat Wings by Silvery K and Halloween Stockings by Ambrosia. Also by Ambrosia are the game prize Pumpkin Heels for Slink Mid.

On her, Morrigan Wylde:
Guest Appearance: Kariritaisho
Hat: Pantsu Hunter Little Witch Hat [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Pet: Schadenfreude Vouboo Zitga [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Staff: Cubic Cherry Kreations Lil Witch~ thanaki Staff  [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Dress: Hapi Rabi Harriet Gav Dress [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Sash: DownDownDown DDD_Together with Flask [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Wings: Silvery K Halloween Wings [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Stockings: Ambrosia Halloween Stockings (RMK Halloween)(free)
Shoes: Ambrosia Pumpkin Hells for Slink Mid [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Thanks for your help, Kariritaisho!

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Second year classmate, Black Cat, heard a rumor somewhere in Academy's library was the hidden recipe for the Sweet Temptations potion. She found the Book of Shadows and attempted to leave with it, but she didn't get far before Headmaster Charlotte caught her. "No cheating! Get back to class!"

The Market located on Main Street is full of excellent goodies for Halloween. The gorgeous chocker by Silvery K is a gacha as well as the matching arm warmers, and stocking with shoes. I love the Little Witch hair by Ayashi. It comes with a hat you can show or hide. The fun and unique Black Cat headband is by AIR. On the ground next to Black Cat is the cute Build-a-Friend Kitty gacha by Free Bird. For the RMK Halloween game prizes are the Bubblez Moonstar eye patch, the hold pose triggered Spellbook by Senzafine, and the Raven ring by Lassitude & Ennui.

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy is going on strong, full of awesome prizes and Halloween goodies for sale. You have until October 31st to complete the challenges and get the prizes. For more information, and pictures of the prizes go to: http://rmkghost.blogspot.jp  The official website has a tutorial how to play the games, or check out my English Tutorial for RMK Halloween.

On Her,  Black Cat:
Hair: Ayashi Little witch hair - pink set [mesh](RMK Halloween)(250L)
Armwarmer: Silvery K Arm cover - Purple_B, gacha[mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)
Choker: Silvery K Choker Lace - PGP, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(80L)
Legs, shoes: Silvery K over knee - Purple_BlackLine, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)
Dress: Silvery K Puff Sleev Mini Dress - Purple[mesh](RMK Halloween)(200L)
Headdress: Air Le Chat 05 (black_HW, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(10L)
Pet: Free Bird Build-a-Friend Purple Kitty, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(75L)
Book: Senzafine "Spellcraft" Book of Shadows [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Eyepatch: Bubblez BB - Moonstar eyepatch Metal (RMK Halloween)(free)
Ring: Lassitude & Ennui Raven ring - black [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy 1

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STORYLINE: While the young students of the Ghost Academy struggled to control their brooms and fly through each gate on the course, their older classmates would preform trick stunts and often sent the rookies flying into thickets of thorns.

My idea for this outfit was one that went with the Magical Academy's schoolgirl's uniform (see image below) For fun, I dropped the Magical Academy logo on the cape and tie. .... But I know what you guys really want to know, WHERE IS THAT BADASS BROOM?!! lol It's the prize by NeverWish at the RMK Halloween's Dream Gacha! It's unscripted and you can mod it. So you can tint it, resize it, or drop a script in it to make it fly. Just play the games at RMK and you can win it or make trades for it.  How do you play? In a nutshell: Play games and earn coins for the Dream Gacha. You have until October 31st to complete the challenges and get the prizes. For more information, and pictures of the prizes go to: http://rmkghost.blogspot.jp  Tutorial in English Here.

On him, senior Blaze:
Broom: Neverwish Hecate's Broom [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Reiki was a freshman on her first ride on the broom. Instead of flying up, she went down right through the roof of the old theater!

RMK Ghost Magical Academy Uniform is reminiscent of Kiki's Delivery Service. You don't need to play the games to get it either, just go to the landing and touch Charolette's Raven to get it. The broom and poses are by Uncertain Smile, and you can win them at the Dream Gacha.

On her, freshmen Reiko Kouda:
Guest Appearance: Kariritaisho
Dress, bow, shoes: RokumeikaN RMK Ghost Magical Academy Uniform (RMK Halloween)(free)
Pose, broom: Uncertain Smile Witch's flight (RMK Halloween)(free)

Location: RMK Halloween: Broom Course
Thanks for your help, Kariritaisho!

English Tutorial for RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy

English Tutorial for RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy
The Magical Academy games are going on strong, and the event is full of awesome prizes, freebies, and Halloween goodies for sale! How do you play? In a nutshell: Play games and earn coins for the Dream Gacha.

Start: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RMK%20Gothic/95/174/2006

You begin your journey at the landing of the Magical Academy on the “ghost side” of RMK Gothic. Touch the book stands, they give a link to the official blog rules and disclaimer. Once you are done reading, walk forward to the headmaster's desk. The haughty Headmaster of the school, Charlotte, has a greeting for you, it's written down on the enchanted parchment (or read it here). Now touch Charlotte, she will give you 2 items: "+RMK Gothic Halloween2014 HUD+" and "Magic world class." Wear them both. For the free school uniform, touch the raven next to Charlotte. Behind Charlotte are three magic circle teleports down to the sim. If you don't have a broom, you may be in for a bumpy ride. lol.

Ghost Mages
Now your adventure begins! Look around the sim for more Hologram ghosts similar to Charlotte. If you looked at the Map at the landing, you already have an idea where to head. When you find a Mage, it’s a challenge area. Touch the ghost and objects all around to find out what to do. One of the ghosts is not a Mage, but you will find him to be a very good friend. As you complete the challenges you will be awarded a game coin. Collect 10 silver coins and you can use them to play the Dream Gacha. The Challenges are: Broom, Chants, Herbs, Potions. As you level up in the game, the messages each ghost gives you changes.

Professor Nene is friendly and a bit bubbly. She will talk to you and encourage you to learn how to fly a broom. From her zone you can can pick a magic circle teleport to one of 2 broom courses: the white lower level and the pink upper level. The courses are exactly the same, so you can do whichever one you like best. Once you are at the start, touch the black bench to rez a broom. Once rezzed, right click on the broom end to sit, or "fly away" on it. If the white gate says "Start" it means someone else is already on the course. Wait until the seal for the Magical Academy shows. Fly through each gate. Above them they are numbered, Gate No1, Gate No2, etc. There are 7 gates on the Broom Course. If you successfully pass through, the message will change to "Clear." The Course is timed so if you take too long, you will fall where ever you happen to be. (Dev Tip: Set your graphics low, wear a low lag outfit, and make your draw distance 96.) When you complete the course you get a silver coin. If you had an excellent time, your name will be added to the leaderboard for the fastest times.

This is a challenge for speed typing. Royal Magician Ray will not speak to a lowly freshman at all, but you can talk to his cat Familiar. Touch one of the three orb stands: Japanese, English, and Numbers. Accept and wear the orb. Look in local chat for the magic spell. The chant will be given in several lines, but for the spell to work, you need to type it out like one big giant run-on sentence with no spaces or returns. (Dev Tip: Are you a bad typer? Try Dictation that comes with the Mac, or the Dragon program for Windows.) Once the chant is completed, you get a silver coin.

Professor Fixis has a sour personality, but he will warm up to you if you work hard. Herb growing is one of the most popular challenges. It takes 1 hour to grow the herbs, and you must touch your field, or plant pot once every 10 min. (Dev Tip: You can play other games while the herbs grow, even leave the sim, but be sure to keep your hud on. It will tell you in local chat it's time to go back to touch your plants. If you take too long, your plants will time out.) There are 2 herb growing areas: the garden fields and the planter pots in town.  Once your herbs are grown, you get 3 herb objects sent to inventory. All herbs are transfer. Once you have used a field, your turn is up. A new person can take the field. There are many kind of herbs. Some appear to be more common than others. (Bonus Dev Tip: One of the scarecrows in the fields will also talk to you, what he says depends on your level.)

Once you have at least 3 herbs, head to the Magnificent Magician Merlin's potions class. Wear your herb, touch it on your display, and it will be added to your hud. Once all 3 are added to the hud, touch the black kettle on the fireplace to brew it. If you made a good potion you see what it is on the upper box of the hud, but most the time you will create nothing but a toxic Skull and Crossbones potion. (Dev Tip: Write down all your attempted potion recipes. Make friends with other players and trade secrets. You can team up and share bad recipes to avoid. You might even find someone who can tell how to make a really good potion!) STOP! Before you brew a new potion, look for Chan! 

Potion Sale
(Dev Tip: Did you fail to make a cool potion? Don’t worry, you can sell it. Chan will buy anything! lol) Chan is your best buddy. Deliver to him your potions and he will buy them, but he may toss an insult your way for shoddy goods. The better your potion, the more money you earn. A good potion is worth a gold coin, and a gold coins are worth 10 silvers!  (Dev tip: My friends have discovered 6 potions so far: Witch Trial, Sweet Temptation, Halloween Night, Feast of Madness, Oblivion, and Black Princess Perfume)

Dream Gacha
Once you have 10 silver, or 1 gold coin, head to the Dream gacha. Wear your coins. Touch them on your display to load them into your hud. Once you reach 10, go ahead and touch the Dream Gacha Old Man tree. You can see a preview of all the prizes on the official Magical Academy website. All prizes are transfer (with one exception). (Dev tip: There are also two mystery prizes in the Dream Gacha that will help you in your magic!)

The best strategy in all RMK games is to make friends. You can trade potion recipes, failed potion recipes, herbs, and Dream Gacha prizes. You can also make trades and ask for help in the RMK Gothic SIM group. secondlife:///app/group/41460f76-5061-1412-5958-059b4d14ce05/about

Halloween Market
Have no patience for games? Don't worry, there are lots of excellent items, gacha, and several freebies over in the Halloween Market. Don't miss these excellent exclusives to the event! Participating stores in the Dream Gacha and Halloween Market are:

1mm, A&Y Bunker CyberShop, Air, Ambrosia, Ariel’s Nail, Ayashi, BluPrintz, Bubblez Style, Cila, Contraption, Cubic Cherry Kre-ations, DownDownDown, Free Bird, Goth1c0, Hapi Rabi, HPMD, La petite fleur, Lassitude & Ennui, Likka House, Melonbunny, NeverWish, Noctis, Nonkoromankan, oUvUo, Pantsu Hunter, Paper Moon, Pulcino, RokumeikaN, Schadenfreude, Senzafine, Silentsparrow, Silvery K, SouzouEien, Theater Chain, Uncertain Smile

BONUS: Achievements
There will be rewards for things like Fastest Time on the Broom. As you earn coins, your rank in the game will increase up 9 levels, and the highest level is Magnificent Magician!

The official website tutorial in Japanese and English How to Play
An additional English tutorial by store owner of Schadenfreude.
Have fun gang!

In Picture above:
Guest Appearance: Rokia Kristan
Dress, hat: RokumeikaN Halloween gift 2013 (past)
Teleports: Theater Chain

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Magical Academy-RMK Gothic Halloween2014-

RMK Gothic Halloween 2014 Event
Magical Academy
Place:RMK Gothic Ghost SIM


Greetings to all our incorporeal-challenged human guests!
I am Charlotte, the principle of the prestigious RMK Ghost Magical Academy.

Humans are such worthless creatures. However, for the month of October I will admit your kind into this pillar of academic achievement in the Ghostly Arts. Congratulations! ❤

Naturally, we have a variety of curriculum at the Academy.

We will assign you each a Senior Mage, so there is no problem if you lack confidence in magic.

All prospective students must read and understand the School Regulations.

We look forward to seeing all you new freshmen.

RMK Ghost Magical Academy Charlotte❤

※All prospective students must read and understand the School Regulations.

※We will soon announce the official event blog.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Ghosts of August, Broken Doll

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Her camera and photos confiscated, the schoolgirl left the spirit world empty-handed. Or so she thought. She began to see things: a shadow darted before her, a bright glowing orb in the corner of the room. She was already on edge as she walked home.  She looked up and saw someone walking precipitous along the edge of town's ancient tower wall. The figure appeared ridged or drunk. Then it suddenly slipped and fell. 

Nice things for Elegant Lolitas to enjoy this month! The new release from Rokumeikan, Attempted Suicide Doll, comes with shirt top, collar, bandages for the arms, skirt, underskirt, checkered stockings, hat, and a parasol with pose. The black and white textures with with stripes is really striking, and I love the nicely textured parasol. The creepy cool forked tongue is by DownDownDown. Touch it and you can change the color to green, mint, blue, black, white, pink and red. It comes with materials for that extra slimly look. lol. The tongue is unrigged mesh so you scale it and move it around, no problem.

On Her, the Broken Doll:
Dress, hat, bandages, parasol: RokumeikaN +RMK*Attempted suicide doll [mesh](700L)
Tongue: DownDownDown Snake tongue [mesh](150L)

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Horrified, the schoolgirl screamed and ran toward the person who fell only to discover it wasn’t a person at all, it was a shattered doll. As it’s head rocked gently to a stop, suddenly a forked tongue flicked out of it’s mouth. Then the doll faded away as if nothing had been there at all. The cycle began again a few moments later when it reappeared on the tower wall. The frightened schoolgirl wondered what kind of evil the doll had absorbed.

Location: RMK Gothic

Saturday, July 26, 2014



+ RMK *サマードレス* +ピンクドット


■人形ポイントHUD情報 - 英語■


+ RMK *サマードレス* +ピンクドット


人形ポイントHUD情報■ - 日本语■



Saturday, July 19, 2014

RMK Gothic: The Dark Circus

(click to enlarge)
The Dark Circus has come to RMK Gothic! You can find this cute new area to explore in the garden near Theater Chain. Pictured above is Rokumeikan's the kodona/ouji style Harlequin in monocolor (there is a rare red version also). It's an outfit for girls, but I am playing up the boyishness here. It's from the new Straw Hat gacha. You can find it at Castle Rokumeikan. I added a past free fangs from [ni.Ju] and tinted them to match. The pierrot eye makeup is part of Carousel Black outfit from Likka House. The hairstyle is brand from Ayashi. This style is so nice for the guys! Ayashi has introduced a new color palette, Summer. They include pastel tones.

On Nosferatu Harlequin:
Outfit, hat, collar, stockings: RokumeikaN +RMK*Arlequin*+Mono (RARE) [mesh](50L)
Hair: Ayashi Makoto - whites [mesh](250L)
Tattoo: Likka*House Carousel-black [mesh](700L)
Fangs: [ni.Ju] Fangs, edit tint (past, free)

RMK Gothic, Dark Circus

(click to enlarge)

Our lovely Trapeze artist is wearing the rare prize from the Theater Chain Unicorn Accessories gacha. It includes two hair ribbons, top, skirt, and arm wearings. Her mini parsol is from the Alrescha swimsuit set from last year. Scroll down to read about the new Doll Points at RMK Gothic.

On Trapeze Unicorn:
Skirt, top, ribbons, arm warmer: Theater Chain Unicorn Accessories baby purple RARE [mesh](50L)
Swimsuit, gloves, sandles, parasol: Likka House Alrescha - blacky [mesh](200L)

(click to enlarge)

I have big news for RMK Gothic fans! +Club RokumeikaN+ is happy to introduce the new Doll Point system. With each of your purchases, you earn points which can be exchanged for Doll Point prizes!

Doll Point HUD information - English v.1

How does it work?

1) Go to the Rokumeikan castle 2nd floor here:

2) Wear your +Club RokumeikaN+ group tag.

3) Touch the sign to receive your Doll Point HUD.

4) Wear your Doll Point HUD each time you make a purchase in the Rokumeikan store. The more you buy the more points you earn. Each gacha spin will equal one point.

5) Once you have collected enough points, return to the 2nd floor of Rokumeikan castle where the Doll Point prizes are located. You can redeem your points for prizes there.

6) Touch the sign of the prize you wish. Prize will be delivered. Points used will be subtracted from your total.

PLEASE NOTE: Past gacha do not have the Doll Point System in their code. Only new gacha machines will have the Doll Point system.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Doll Point HUD information - English v.1

Doll Point Card

+Club RokumeikaN+ is happy to introduce the new Doll Point system. With each of your purchases, you earn points which can be exchanged for Doll Point prizes.

How does it work?

1) Go to the Rokumeikan castle 2nd floor here:

2) Wear your +Club RokumeikaN+ group tag.

3) Touch the sign to receive your Doll Point HUD.

4) Wear your Doll Point HUD each time you make a purchase in the Rokumeikan store. The more you buy the more points you earn. Each gacha spin will equal one point.

5) Once you have collected enough points, return to the 2nd floor of Rokumeikan castle where the Doll Point prizes are located. You can redeem your points for prizes there.

6) Touch the sign of the prize you wish. Prize will be delivered. Points used will be subtracted from your total.

PLEASE NOTE: Past gacha do not have the Doll Point System in their code. Only new gacha machines will have the Doll Point system.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Bon Voyage!

(click to enlarge)
Bon Voyage! is a cute new summer vacation theme gacha from the RMK Gothic team of Theater Chain and RokumeikaN. There are 12 different trucks you can win, and 1 rare trunk.  Each truck comes with a rez version and a wearable version with a unique pose. The special rare prize is this cute red, white, and blue traveling dress and beret.

On Her:
Dress, hat, collar: RokumeikaN RMK*bon voyage*, gacha RARE [mesh] (50L)
Truck, Pose: Theater Chain Travelling trunks_11-1[add], gacha [mesh] (50L)
Truck: Theater ChainTravelling trunks_01[rez], gacha [mesh] (50L)
Truck: Theater ChainTravelling trunks_06[rez], gacha [mesh] (50L)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Butterflies of Spring

(click to enlarge)

Daisies will bring a cute romantic look to your Spring! Swing by Ambrosia at RMK Gothic to pick up the lovely Sugar Doll dress is either blue, green, pink or purple. It comes with a resizable daisy garter and pearl necklace, perfect for Spring garden strolls.

On Her:
Dress, garter, pearl necklace: Ambrosia Sugar Doll blue, Daisy ribbon choker & garter [mesh](130L)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nightmare or Dream?

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: It started beautifully at first. She dreamed of riding a carousel as the sun set. A haunting melody of a distant piano wafted in the gentle breeze. Suddenly, something pressed her down. The ornate wooden horses turned black. They bobbed up and down, around and around, faster and faster. She had became the carousel! She was trapped! Terrified, she jolted out of her nightmare only to discover something heavy was on her chest. Two menacing red eyes pierced darkness looking back at her.

Likka House has created an amazing wearable art outfit that can be a thing of dreams, or in the case above, a nightmare. It comes with rigged mesh corset and gloves in standard sizes. The hat, collar, wings, and carousel are mesh attachments. The lower skirt has a flexi draping. The socks are system and crying clown Pierrot makeup a tattoo. It also comes with two gestures that start and stop the carousel rotation. The outfit comes in white, black, red, and black. The hair is a new release Ami by Ayashi. The Neko ears that come with it can be on and off.

On Her, Girl Carousel:
Corset, makeup, socks, gloves, collar, hat, wings, skirt, horses: Likka*House Carousel-black [mesh](700L)
Hair: Ayashi Ami hair - basic set [mesh] (400L)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Alice in RMK Gothic2014 Photo Contest Result Announcement

■Alice in RMK Gothic2014 Photo Contest Result Announcement■

■優勝作品(1st place)■
togusa Homewood
撮影者:hadaly2052 Darkstone

■準優勝作品(2nd Place)■
Entry to the photo contest! 3

■3位(3rd place)■
”Alice: How long is forever? - White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.”
撮影者:Zily Resident




You can see all these great photos in our RMK Gothic SIM Flickr site.
Visit and check it out, enjoy!

We will contact all winners directly, soon.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2014 Alice event information

こんにちは、RMK Gothicです。

ご挨拶が遅くなってしまいましたがAlice in RMK Gothic2014にお越し頂き誠にありがとうございました。

本日はBunny Huntのプライズギバー・フォトコンテスト等の情報をお知らせさせて頂きます。

Bunny Huntプライズギバーは本日8日(2014/4/8)まで設置となっております。(JPT)

■Prize machine■
The Bunny Hunt ticket can be exchanged for a prize until 2014/4/8 24:00(JPT).
After that, the prize machines will be removed.

■+BLUE BLOOD+プライズについて■
+BLUE BLOOD+プライズはクリエイターの都合によりキャンセルとなりました。

was canceled in the circumstances of the creator.

■Alice in RMK Gothic2014フォトコンテストについて■
Bunny Huntオフィシャルブログにて記載させて頂きます。

■Alice in RMK Gothic2014 Photo Contest■
will soon announce the result.
RMK official blog (Japanese and English), the Bunny Hunt official blog announce the results.

全てBunny Huntオフィシャルブログにて記載してありますのでまずはそちらをご一読下さい。

※We do not conduct personal support for information on these.
Please understand. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bunny Hunt and Alice Market have ended

The Alice Market has closed shop, and the Bunny Hunt has ended.  Thanks everyone for coming to Alice in RMK Gothic, for shopping, taking pictures, and bunny hunting. Thanks to the designers for their wonderful creations. And thanks to the hunters who made the Bunny Hunt run smoother by helping each other, trading tickets, and alerting the staff to any problems. It was a great time!

The Bunny Hunt tickets can be exchanged for a prize until April 8th, 2014 24:00 Japan time, (or 8 am SL time). After that, the prize machines will be removed. You can find the prize giver locations for each store here: http://bunny-hunt.blogspot.jp/2014/02/sponsor.html  Note: Ticket #10, Blue Blood, dropped from the hunt, and Caco's Greenhouse's Alice Market booth remains up for you to redeem your prize tickets there.

You can look all entries into the Alice Photo Contest here: +RMK Gothic SIM+EVENT
Date of publishing the contest results has yet to be determined. Watch the main RMK Gothic blog for the announcement of the winners.

Please look forward to future RMK Gothic events! 

Here is the video of Tea Party Live, first act: A Thousand Cherry Blossoms. Enjoy!
A larger high resolution version can be found at Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiTj8Bb1rNo

Monday, March 31, 2014

Alice in RMK Gothic: Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Bunny Hunt 2014: Thanks for the memories! From your Bunny Hunt Patrol Team, TweedleDee and TweedleDum.

I brought back the Tweedles from last year for a last day Tea Party! It's been a blast this year at the Bunny Hunt and Live show. For those of you who missed the Tea Party Live, head over to Rokia's blog Theater Chain, or directly to Youtube, to see the video of the 1st act, a Thousand Cherry Blossoms! I'm hoping there will also be a video of the 2nd act, Alice in Underworld, by Fair Saeed. I'll post a link once I know.  ... Don't forget, today is the last day of the Bunny Hunt!  Hurry hurry. Collect and trade your tickets now!  You can find where to collect your prizes here: http://bunny-hunt.blogspot.jp/2014/02/sponsor.html

Today is also the last day to get your pictures submitted to the Alice in RMK Photo Contest!

The charming TweedleDee is wearing the Bunny Hunt prize from RokumeikaN. It includes outfit, purse, and hairbow. Her windy Nanami hairstyle is by Ayashi. Both of the bunnies are wearing the adorable pink bunny ears with teacups hunt prize by Tentico. The prize from Pulcino includes mesh nails for the default avatar and an applier for slink hands. The straw Teapot chairs are by Caco's Greenhouse. They come with 4 poses, and there are 4 different color versions. You can find them in the Alice Market. The tea set by PopTart is very nicely detailed and includes cards and an Alice in Wonderland book. TweedleDum is wearing the mesh boots hunt prize from WTG. It has a card texture on the leather, and the sole is red. His hair is the new Yato hair by Ayashi. I think I will be wearing this a lot, it looks cool. lol  Adding a bit more RMK style to TweedleDum, is the collar and shorts from Frozen Night's winter dress suit. ...Okay, now be quick like a bunny and get the last of the Bunny Hunt loot! Happy hunting!

On her, TweedleDee:
Outfit: RokumeikaN +RMK*Alice*+ Clothes, Collar, ribbon [mesh] (Bunny Hunt) (free)
Ears: Tentico bunny tea - Tentico [mesh] (Bunny Hunt) (free)
Nails, and Slink Nails: Pulcino  [mesh] (Bunny Hunt) (free)
Chair, pose: Caco's Greenhouse [mesh] (Alice Market)(60L)
Hair: Ayashi Nanami hair-white [mesh]  (250L)
Socks: RokumeikaN +RMK*Alice*+socks (Bunny Hunt)(free)

On him, TweedleDum:
Boots: WTG **Wonder card** short boots [mesh](Bunny Hunt)(free)
Ears: Tentico bunny tea - Tentico [mesh](Bunny Hunt)(free)
Socks: RokumeikaN +RMK*Alice*+socks (Bunny Hunt)(free)
Chair, pose: Caco's Greenhouse  [mesh](Alice Market)(60L)
Tea set: Poptart Alice's Tea Set w/papers [mesh] (Bunny Hunt)(free)
Hair: Ayashi Yato hair - white [mesh] (250L)
Collar, Shorts: Frozen Night FN*winter dress suit - white [mesh](250L)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Alice in RMK: Alice and the King of Hearts

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Alice returns to Wonderland and is surprised when the bunnies award her a staff created in her honor.

Hurry Hurry! The Alice in RMK is ending March 31st!  Before it ends, be sure to check out some of the wonderful items for sale in the Alice Market. Pictured above is the gorgeous Alice Orthodoxy complete outfit from RokumeikaN. It's the rare prize in the hairbow gacha. Another beautiful creation is the Alice Staff by Down Down Down. The staff top has a surreal figure of alice surrounded with floating pawn pieces. It is materials enabled with a icey feel to it. The chess piece staffs come in either white or red and there are even odds to win any staff in the gacha, no rares! The shoes are the adorable Bunny Hunt prize from Theater Chain. The stockings you can get for free at RMK Castle beside the prize giver  books.

On her, Little Lolita Alice:
Apron, collar, cuffs, bloomers, dress, ribbon: RokumeikaN +RMK Alice orthodoxy RARE [mesh](Alice Market) (50L)
Shoes: Theater Chain +T*C+Alice Lo lita Shoes [mesh](Bunny Hunt)(free)
Socks: RokumeikaN +RMK*Alice*+socks (Bunny Hunt)(free)
Staff: Down Down Down DDD_Alice's Chess rod_Pawn (W), gacha [mesh](Alice Market)(40L)

RMK Gothic Alice Market

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Alice asked the bunnies what was new in Wonderland since she was there last. "The King of Hearts!" they both exclaimed. "A king?," Alice wondered out loud. Since when was there a king in Wonderland. Did something happen to the Queen?

Check out this amazing Bunny Hunt prize! The Queen of Hearts glasses is another must have creation from AIR! I love the details and windy ribbons. For the King of Hearts, I turned up the red with the Dusk makeup by [ni.Ju], and added a little more red with the [ni.Ju]'s Hime blush. The Alexander pocket watch I'm holding is the [ni.Ju] Bunny Hunt prize. It comes with a hold pose, or a rez version, and it keeps real time!

On Him, the King of Hearts:
Glasses: AIR Air_Queen of Heart_CM (Bunny Hunt)(free)
Pocketwatch: [ni.Ju] Alexander's Pocket Watch (boxed)(Bunny Hunt)(free)
Tattoo: [ni.Ju] Dusk Tattoo (100L)
Tatoo: [ni.Ju] Hime-yu blush (Alice Market)(60L)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

From 7:00(PDT) today!!

■2014Tea Party ROKIA'show dance"千本桜"■
Project:+RMK Gothic+
costume:+RokumeikaN+(※It is a costume that was made ​​for the dance. Not for sale.)
Dance Master:ROKIA Kristan(+Theater Chain+owner/RMK Gothic&RokumeikaN officer)
Dancer:Aoi McMasters(KAITO/+RokumeikaN+RMK Gothic owner)・4Jabberwocky4(REN/RMK Gotic Dancer&Model)・Chloengelmoon(RIN/RMK Gothic Dancer&Model)

■image video■

■2014Tea Party■
※NOTE: Schedule uses Japan Standard Time followed by SL time.

Date:2014/3/23(日) 23:00~(JPT) (or 7:00 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
Place:RMK Gothic Alice Market
■Performer & Sound■
Fair Saeed (*Re:ON*Owner)
Program:「Alice In Wonder Underground」

Music by Yukineko (La petite fleurOwner)

ROKIA Kristan (+Theater Chain+)
Program:「SENBONZAKURA(Cherry trees Thousand)」

・The SIM will close briefly for decoration at 21:00. (or 5:00 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・At 22:30 the SIM will reopen. (or 6:30 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・Arrive for the live show no later than 22:50. (or 6.50 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・ NOTE: If the SIM is full, admission to the event might not be possible. Come as sooner to avoid SIM limit.

・Please use the latest version of the official viewer, or Firestorm viewer.
・Bunny Hunt will be stopped during the show.
・Please remove facelight, HUDs, and heavily scripted items. Come as low lag as possible.
・The live show will use a lot of particles and light direction. Set sky to Midnight.  

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Guidance of the SIM temporary closure

本日23時より2014Tea PartyリハーサルのためSIMを一時閉鎖致します。

will temporarily closed the SIM from 7:00(PDT).

■2014Tea Party ROKIA'show dance"千本桜"■
Project:+RMK Gothic+
costume:+RokumeikaN+(※It is a costume that was made ​​for the dance. Not for sale.)
Dance Master:ROKIA Kristan(+Theater Chain+owner/RMK Gothic&RokumeikaN officer)
Dancer:Aoi McMasters(KAITO/+RokumeikaN+RMK Gothic owner)・4Jabberwocky4(REN/RMK Gotic Dancer&Model)・Chloengelmoon(RIN/RMK Gothic Dancer&Model)

■2014Tea Party■

※NOTE: Schedule uses Japan Standard Time followed by SL time.

Date:2014/3/23(日) 23:00~(JPT) (or 7:00 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
Place:RMK Gothic Alice Market
■Performer & Sound■
Fair Saeed (*Re:ON*Owner)
Program:「Alice In Wonder Underground」

Music by Yukineko (La petite fleurOwner)

ROKIA Kristan (+Theater Chain+)
Program:「SENBONZAKURA(Cherry trees Thousand)」

・The SIM will close briefly for decoration at 21:00. (or 5:00 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・At 22:30 the SIM will reopen. (or 6:30 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・Arrive for the live show no later than 22:50. (or 6.50 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・ NOTE: If the SIM is full, admission to the event might not be possible. Come as sooner to avoid SIM limit.

・Please use the latest version of the official viewer, or Firestorm viewer.
・Bunny Hunt will be stopped during the show.
・Please remove facelight, HUDs, and heavily scripted items. Come as low lag as possible.
・The live show will use a lot of particles and light direction. Set sky to Midnight.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Alice in RMK Gothic: Tea Party LIVE SHOW

※NOTE: Schedule uses Japan Standard Time followed by SL time.

■2014 Tea Party■
Date:2014/3/23(日) 23:00~(JPT) (or 7:00 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
Place:RMK Gothic Alice Market
Performer&Sound:Fair Saeed (*Re:ON*Performer)・Yukineko (La petite fleurOwner)・ROKIA Kristan (+Theater Chain+)
Theme: Japanese Sakura, the Cherry Blossom

・The SIM will close briefly for decoration at 21:00.  (or 5:00 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・At 22:30 the SIM will reopen.  (or 6:30 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・Arrive for the live show no later than 22:50.  (or 6.50 am SL, Sunday 3/23/14)
・ NOTE:  If the SIM is full, admission to the event might not be possible. Come as sooner to avoid SIM limit.

・Please use the latest version of the official viewer, or Firestorm viewer.
・Bunny Hunt will be stopped during the show.
・Please remove facelight, HUDs, and heavily scripted items. Come as low lag as possible.
・The live show will use a lot of particles and light direction. Set sky to Midnight.

■Past Tea Party Performances■

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Alice in RMK Gothic: Bunny Run

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE:  Once again, the White Rabbit was behind schedule. "I'm Late! I'm Late! I'm Late!" he squeaked in a panic as he dashed past, startling Alice.

Oh yes, oh yes. I am the White Rabbit, always racing deadlines. *nods head* Today Fulli and I showing you some awesome goodies from the Bunny Hunt and Alice Market. She is wearing the hunt prizes La Petite Fleur OffShoulder dress with the Theater Chain Alice Lolita shoes. Her teapot handbag is a cute gacha by Caco's Greenhouse in the Alice Market, and the Ayashi Queen of Hearts hair in white also in the Alice Market. I am wearing the red and black striped Dolly Ribbon hair bow from the Alice Market gacha by RokumeikaN. The rare prize is a wonderful Alice orthodox outfit. (I will be showing it to you soon). In my hand, I am holding my most coveted prize from the Bunny Hunt, -- the Alexander's Pocket Watch by [ni.Ju]. It comes in a wearable version with a hold pose, and one you can rez. Busy bunnies like me also love that it keeps real time too! It's set to standard SL time.

For more information on the Bunny Hunt, go to: http://bunny-hunt.blogspot.jp 
Hunt ends March 31st. Good luck chasing the bunnies!

On Her, Alice:
Dress: La Petite Fleur OffShoulder dress prize [mesh](Bunny Hunt)(free)
Shoes: Theater Chain +T*C+Alice Lolita Shoes [mesh](Bunny Hunt)(free)
Purse: Caco's Greenhouse "Tea Party" Picnic Basket -Milk- Heart, gacha [mesh](Alice Market)(30L)
Hair: Ayashi Queen of Hearts hair-White set [mesh] (Alice Market)(250L)

On Him, the White Rabbit:
Pocketwatch: [ni.Ju] Alexander's Pocket Watch (boxed)(Bunny Hunt)(free)
Hairbow: RokumeikaN +RMK*Dolly ribbon*+11, gacha [mesh](Alice Market)(50L)
Thanks for your help Fulli!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Alice in RMK Gothic: The March Hare

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: When in Wonderland, if you want to find the March Hare, go look in the garden. She's often hovering near the garden party, sipping tea and nibbling on delicious cupcakes.

Little Lolita's outfit and glasses are both from the Alice Market at RMK. This is an area of the sim that has store booths with items in the theme of Alice in Wonderland for sell. The dress by Ambrosia comes in black dot and pink, mint, or blue, and a Limited Edition RMK Gothic white and blue Alice version. These fun wonderland heart glasses "Doubt" by AIR are partial mesh, and you can edit them like I did to give it a slight tint. The antique collar is a gacha by Theater Chain at RMK and if you are lucky, you win the rare prize a full lolita outift Baby Christmas.

On Her, The March Hare:
Dress, hat, garter, stockings: Ambrosia Princess Prom Dress - mint_dots [mesh] (Alice Market)(200L)
Glasses: AIR Doubt  [mesh] (Alice Market)(500L)
Collar: Theater Chain +T*C+Antique Choker - black gacha [mesh] (50L)
Card: +RokumeikaN+ Prince of Spades (past, Bunny Hunt 2012)

RMK Gothic - Alice's Garden

Happy Saint Patrick's Day from the March Hare!

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)