Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Vampire Ballet: Black Souls, Red Cello

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: In life, Kuro twins were child prodigies thrilling audiences with their skillful playing. But those happy times ended when a deranged fan tried to "steal" their talent one limb at a time. Their savior was a well-meaning vampire who fused their broken bodies to dolls. When the twins awoke, the shock was too much for them. Gone was their spirit. The sat mute, traumatized, as lifeless as the dolls they inhabited. But their savior never gave up. Their souls were music, and music would save them the way he never could. The years passed, then one day he heard a clumsy bow strike the strings of the cello. He was so happy. It was the break through he was hoping for. Slowly with much effort, the twins returned to the world. For their official coming out, they performed at the auditions for the Vampire Ballet. By the time they played their last note, there was not a dry eye, even among the stone cold hearts of the vampire. They got the standing ovation. This year, Kuro Twins would be the featured guests of the Vampire Ballet.

The excellent gothic lolita dress, Black Rose Witch by MelonBunny, I wanted to show you guys so much for RMK Halloween but time ran out on me. The good news is, you can pick it up now at the main store. For the doll, I am wearing the Kemono version but you can also get it in the default avatar size. It comes with dress, bow with skull collar, apron, petticoat, and bat wings.

On her, Belladonna Kuro (left):
Wings, dress, bow, apron, petticoat: Melonbunny Black Rose Witch Dress, Kemono [mesh](RMK Halloween)(550L)

On her, Rose Kuro (right):
Guest appearance: Aarya Phantomhive of the Dark Phantom blog
Part one of the storyline: http://aaryaphantomhive.blogspot.com/2014/11/dark-souls-red-cello.html

DollCoco Designs

Saturday, November 1, 2014

RMK Halloween: The Magical Academy 4

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: Alarmed, the pet bats of the Witch of Fields, and her ghost familiar warned her a hex was coming! She quickly threw up a shield just in time to bounce the curse off her and return it to it's sender. She found Razorback sometime later in the potions rooms as an ugly toad. Serves him right for being so nasty. He would be trapped in that form until after Halloween and Merlin returned to the Academy to fix him.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GANG!  Have a great time! Also don't forget today is the last day on RMK Halloween. Here's one last look at awesome goodies you can win or purchase at these events. The Witch of the Fields is wearing the Dream Gacha prize dress Sally by RokumeikaN. Her arm warmers by Senzafine are available in the RMK Halloween market on main street, as well as the Neverwish Wicked boots which come in many colors. While you stroll down main street, check out the fun gacha by Cila that has this cute Bats rare prize. Over at Cubic Cherry Creations are these adorable ghosts. The ghost's hat is the Candy Corn Dream Gacha prize and at the main street booth you can place the gacha there for more styles. Her green nail polish is the Dream Gacha prize from Goth1c0. And her lovely staff by HPMD animates a conjuring pose while you talk in local chat.

Today I have the next hint for the RMK Halloween End Game!
hint #2 :  Chan is looking for something.

On her, The Witch of the Fields:
Dress: RokumeikaN +RMK*Halloween2014DreamGacha*+Sally_dress [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Armwarmers: Senzafine "Willow" Armwarmers [mesh](RMK Halloween)(195L)
Staff: HPMD  Wooden Staff - Halloween (typing anim)[mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Nails: Goth1c0 Green (dream gacha prize) (RMK Halloween)(free)
Boots: Neverwish Wicked Boot - Dagger -Black/Plum (edit tint) [mesh](RMK Halloween)(150L)

Hat: BluPrintz Witch Hat - Candy Corn [mesh](RMK Halloween)(free)
Ghost: Cubic Cherry Kre-ations Lil ghost~ Myr [mesh](RMK Halloween)(65L)
Bats: Cila Cute bat 01 02 04-RARE, gacha [mesh](RMK Halloween)(50L)